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Benitez Poker

Francisco 'Tomatee' Benitez raised to 5,520 from under the gun and 'efkinis24' three-bet to 16,00 from the hijack. The action folded back to Benitez who made the call. The flop came, Benitez. Francisco Benitez raised to 250,000 from early position and he was called by small blind Dzmitry Urbanovich. The big blind James Romero folded and they went to the flop. The flop was dealt ah4c3d and Urbanovich checked to Benitez who continued with a bet of 150,000. Urbanovich check-raised to 425,000 but.


Bruno 'great dant' Volkmann raised to 100,000 from the hijack and Francisco 'Tomatee' Benitez three-bet shoved for 898,618 from the button. The blinds folded and Volkmann made the call.

Benitez Poker

Francisco 'Tomatee' Benitez:
Bruno 'great dant' Volkmann:

The flop came for Volkmann to hit a set and leave Benitez in need to hit a runner-runner.

Benitez Poker

But the rest of the board was completed with the on the turn and the on the river for Benitez to bubble the tournament while the rest was in the money and on a break for Day 2 on Monday, September 14.

Andres Benitez Poker

A recap and the chip counts are to follow.